
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

The light of sunset left the room, gently 

whispering, “See you tomorrow”

A room of eight

lifting up praises 

inviting a Holy Presence 


“Close your eyes. Picture an empty room. Jesus walks in. What happens?”



with the other seven

yet also with me


Walls whiter than snow

emptiness fills the room

except one chair where I sit


I see Him, but I’m immobile 

weighted box

labeled “Pain”



He comes to me

and lifts the box with ease 

I look into His eyes


I don’t feel relief

but instead, fear


In that moment 

an unknown veil is removed


I saw Him, I knew Him

but through the eyes of pain


Standing to hug Him

the fear disappears


We move to the floor

open the box

and discover that my pain

had transformed 


Reaching in I find







What is skewing your view of Jesus? What box do you need to unpack with Him? 

13 responses to “An Unknown Veil”

  1. Simply beautiful, Lauren!

    Thanks for the challenge to sit in His presence and ask Him to break every chain and every barrier preventing me from fully living in the spirit of Sonship.

  2. Wow, Lauren! This is thought provoking and beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Ugh the imagery here is so powerful! Felt like I was a fly on the wall in the room with you watching a moment like you describe unfold! You are so gifted with your words, my girl! Keep writing! ??