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Thoughts & Inspiration

While the sight of mountains can make me weep over the wonder of our Lord, there is another place I clearly see His presence…


In you.


I see His glory in your worship.

I see His kindness in your eyes.

I see His redemption in your story.

I see His Fatherhood in the way you lead.

I see His tenderness in your hug.

I see His joy in your laughter.

I see His pursuit in your presence.

I see His pureness in your face.


Watching people come alive makes my heart beat.


During our six weeks in La Vigia, Costa Rica, I watched so many people come to life. Hearts were surrendered to Jesus. Giftings were discovered. Dreams came to life. Here’s my favorite part…

It didn’t stop when we left. The worship continued. The new youth group continued. The local boys hanging out together in the evening continued. That’s how I know it was the move of the Lord. That’s why I give Him all the glory.

They discovered more of themselves and who the Lord says they are. The worship, the light in their eyes, the friendship with one another, the Lord had already given them all of that. Sometimes we just need someone else to show us His truth.

Those people became family. The sadness of missing them still hits me. I’m so grateful to have loved them so much that it hurts to not be with them.

I miss card games throughout the day. I miss worshipping every night. I miss eating mangos from the ground. I miss the most random adventures with our host. I miss dance parties. I miss the brothers I found.

I wish I could take all of you to taste and see the goodness of the Lord that was found in that little town.

I pray you discover it where you are today.



3 responses to “La Bendición”

  1. Yay! Sounds like you’ve been enjoying some powerful insights. I praise God for his testimonies through you and your team.
    (ps – your mother appeared CRAZY EXCITED last week to share that your return was imminent. It was good to see…)

  2. Lauren, so glad to hear what the Lord is doing in Costa Rico! He has opened up the eyes of the blind from the sound of your report! We are looking forward to seeing you and hearing more news of the Lord working in you and with you!

  3. Miss you so much!!
    Love reading your poems, and thank you so much for sharing your mangoes with me!! Love you and I’m so proud of you!!!